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Mindreading Abilities and the Social Adaptation in Late Adulthood


This study explored life satisfaction in geriatric population. The following tests were administered to 103 people over the age of 60: mindreading tasks and cognitive tasks, personality questionnaires measuring extroversion and agreeableness, and questionnaires measuring the amount of social participation in activities and social adaptation. The analysis revealed a strong correlation between mindreading abilities and cognitive abilities, but was not correlated with agreeableness. Additionally, mindreading abilities was negatively correlated with life satisfaction. Furthermore, life satisfaction was positively correlated with agreeableness, extroversion, economic status, and the amount of social participation. It was expected that older people who were good mindreaders would demonstrate more appropriate social interactions and better social adaptation. However, it was found that an appropriate level of insensitivity to other people’s mental states was associated with increased life satisfaction. Society's widespread negative views about older people, and the loneliness from decreasing social relationships, are two possible explanations for these counterintuitive results.

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