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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study established the validity for the Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale (MFAS) for use with Korean mothers during pregnancy. The Maternal Fetal Attachment Scale (MFAS) (Cranley, 1981) was translated into Korean, and it used revised items that were rated on a 4-point Likert scale (unlike the original MFAS that used a 5-point Likert scale). Therefore, validity and reliability were not sufficiently established for the Korean translation. Sjorgen et al. (2004) selected 16 items useful for measuring early and late attachment during pregnancy from a total of 24 items in Cranley’s MFAS. The present study attempted to validate the MFAS based on Sjorgen et al.'s study using 16 items, previous research, and bi-lingual experts. The main results are as follows: the total Cronbach's α of MFAS 16 items was α = 0.87, with 0.75 ≤ α < 0.87. Additionally, the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of MFAS indicated a good model fit and model economy, implying that it has good construct validity. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation between total and sub-dimension MFAS scores and post-partum depression at 6 months were obtained, indicating good predictive validity. The implications, limitations, and future research were discussed.
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