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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study explored the effects of interviewers’ social support and cognitive training on the accuracy of children’s memory of a potentially stressful event. Children (N = 128) aged 3-12 years, who were scheduled to undergo a minor dental procedure participated in the study. Overall, the results of this study were consistent with and extended the findings of previous studies that social support improved the accuracy of children’s source monitoring. Younger children were more easily influenced by an interviewer’s social support than older children. Furthermore, for children who were evaluated as relatively more shy than others in the same-age group, the accuracy of their report improved considerably when an interviewer provided social support. By creating a naturalistic situation (i.e., dental operative procedure), this study was able to identify significant variables that affect the way children report stressful experiences and found out ways in which the reliability of the children’s reports might be facilitated by a supportive interviewer. The findings provided detailed information about the internal and external factors contributing to children’s motivation and ability to give a reliable report of a stressful event. The results of the present study will be particularly helpful in providing guidelines for interviewing children in legal settings.
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