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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated the relationships among perceived opportunity, coping strategies, regret-related emotions, and subjective well-being in 158 middle-aged women living in Busan, South Korea. Middle-aged women regret most frequently the areas of marriage, education, and self-development. The more regret-related emotions they felt, the less subjective well-being they had. Rumination as a coping strategy for regret was related to higher regret-related emotion and lower subjective well-being, while the use of engagement of new goals as a coping strategy was related to higher subjective well-being. The lower the perceived opportunity of modification experiences involving regret, the higher the regret-related emotions and the lower the happiness. Out of the two contrasting principles regarding regret-future opportunity principle and lost opportunity principle-this supported the lost opportunity principle. Finally, the path analysis result showed that perceived opportunity and rumination had effects on subjective well-being both directly and indirectly. Engagement of a new goal had a direct effect on subjective well-being.
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