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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
According to socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 1995), older people focus more on emotional information than on factual information because emotionally meaningful goals become more important than the knowledge-related goals as the perceived remaining time to live diminishes with age. This study was performed to test whether the types (emotional vs. factual) of information one considered in a political choice-making situation differed according to age. After reading the candidate's speech, each elderly adult and college student was asked whether s/he was going to choose the candidate and to justify her/his decision. The rate of factual decisions (decisions based on factual information) was higher in both male and female college students and in elderly men, and the rate of emotional decisions was higher in elderly women. When a word-recognition test was administered after 20 minutes, college students showed better recognition of factual words than emotional words regardless of the type of information they considered in decision-making. In contrast, the elderly adults showed better recognition of words consistent with the type of information they considered in decision-making. The present results partially support socioemotional selectivity theory.
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