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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study is designed to investigate relations among mothers’ emotional ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, the parenting attitudes, and the behavioral problems of children For these ends, 321 mothers of preschoolers (4∼7 years old) completed questionnaires including ambivalence over emotional expressiveness (AEQ), parenting style (PBI), and Korean-Child Behavior Check List (K-CBCL). The results of this study revealed that mothers’ ambivalence over emotional expressiveness had a significant effect both on parenting attitudes and on children's externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. Mothers who experienced ambivalence over emotional expressiveness tended to be less affectionate and their children tended to have bigger external or internal problems, suggesting that mother’s parenting attitude mediates between their attitude toward emotional expressiveness and their children’s mental health.
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