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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
We investigated the development of children’s negative emotionality and examined transactional relations between child negative emotionality and maternal depression in early childhood. Participants were 2078 children (49% female) and their parents who were part of the Panel Study of Korean Children (PSKC) by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE). Families were assessed annually when their children were 0–4 years old. Results from latent growth modeling indicate that parental ratings of child negative emotionality show a positive, nonlinear increase with growth decelerating over time. Moreover, higher initial levels of maternal depression were associated with higher concurrent levels of child negative emotionality. Higher initial levels of and growth in child negative emotionality significantly predicted maternal depression 4 years later. These findings support transactional processes between child temperament and maternal mental health in early childhood.
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