ISSN : 1229-0718
The objective of this study was to understand the context of the school violence experience from the perspective of school violence perpetrators. In order to achieve this aim, this study used a qualitative research method and examined cases of school violence as experienced by school violence perpetrators. Under the assumption that school violence perpetrators and relevant factors are intimately related and influence each other, this study employed a contextual construct analysis method to develop contextual structures that integrated all cases. The results of our analysis showed that first, school violence context was a function of not only the school violence perpetrator himself/herself, but also family, peer group, school, and local community as a whole. Second, among various phenomena and experiences that occurred prior to incidents of school violence, permissive attitude toward violence, exposure to violence within family, emotional distance, study and rewards for violence all had a negative impact, whereas experiences of emotional intimacy within the family, care and affection, and trust all acted as positive factors that helped to stop violence perpetration and prevent re-occurrence of violence. Third, in terms of trigger factors for those incidents, personality traits, such as impulsiveness, aggression, and—when emotionally unstable—stress, were the main causes. When they were psychologically dependent on peer groups, some people joined the perpetrator group because they strongly identified with the peers and were unable to actively express their opinions. Fourth, while perpetrators sometimes felt frustration about punishment during the process of handling cases, they were positively impacted by care and affection received from the police, parents, and teachers. Finally, when we categorized cases by similar types according to both personality characteristics and contextual characteristics, the following subtypes were found: “socially conditional follower,” “emotionally vulnerable,” and “antisocial personality.” Based on these results, this study suggested effective and systematic counseling intervention methods according to each subtype, in order to prevent reoccurrence of school violence.
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