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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated the influence of children's effortful control and maternal emotion-related parenting behavior on emotion regulation of children. The Coping with Children’s Negative Emotions Scale (CCNES), in which mothers provide self-reports of their emotion-related child-rearing attitude, was translated into a brief Korean version that was composed of 28 items. Further, children’s effortful control, maternal emotion- related parenting behavior, and emotion regulation of children were measured by mothers’ self-reports, a behavior experiment, and behavior observation of 68 pairs of 3–5-year-old children and their mothers. The main results were as follows: first, attention focusing, inhibitory control and attention shift of children's effortful control were positively correlated with emotion regulation(ERC). Inhibitory control of children's effortful control was negatively correlated with down-regulation of emotion regulation(MSSB) and attention shift of children's effortful control positively correlated with failure of MSSB. The emotion-focused reaction and expressive encouragement dimensions of the CCNES were positively correlated with ERC, and the distress dimension of CCNES was negatively with ERC. Second, attention shift and inhibitory control of effortful control and the problem‧emotion-focused reactions dimension of the CCNES positively predicted ERC. Inhibitory control of effortful control negatively predicted down-regulation of MSSB, and attention shift of effortful control negatively did exaggeration of MSSB. Further, inhibitory control of effortful control (“Simon Says” task) negatively predicted exaggeration of MSSB, and inhibitory control of effortful control (delay of gratification task) positively predicted performance of Disappointing Present. Study limitations and future research directions were discussed.
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