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Effects of Exercise on Executive Functions in Korean Preschool Children


This study examined the effects of physical exercise on children’s executive functions. Fifty one 3-year- old, 53 4-year-old, and 53 5-year-old children participated in the study. The children in each age group were divided into two groups, i.e., a physical exercise group and a non-physical exercise group. Children in the physical exercise group participated in the football game or Taekwondo after school and children in the non-physical exercise group participated in a violin lesson or an English lesson after school. Three components of executive functions were measured by 6 tasks. Inhibitory control was measured by a flag task and 3 types of flanker tasks. Switching was measured by a card-sorting task and children’s color trail task. Working memory was measured by a backward-word task and a backward-number task. The executive functions were measured before these lessons began, and again after the lessons ended. The results indicated that the overall performance on executive functions improved much higher in the physical exercise group than in the non-physical exercise group. It means that physical exercise plays an important role in executive functions. There was also a significant age effect, showing a big difference between 3- and 4-year-olds. It implies that the physical exercise effect might vary depending on the age level.

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