ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aimed at examining developmental changes in ambivalence over emotional expression (AE) and the relationships among AE, emotional expressiveness (EE), and behavior problems (BP) by age group. Groups of children, adolescents, and adults participated in this study. They completed questionnaires assessing AE, EE, BP, and psychological well-being. The results were as follows: first, AE and EE improve with age. Second, AE was significantly and positively correlated with EE in the children group but negatively correlated with EE in the adult group. Third, AE was significantly and positively correlated with BP in every group. An interesting finding was that AE was correlated with both internalizing and externalizing BP in the adolescent group, but only with internalizing BP in the adult group. Finally, a negative correlation was found between AE and psychological well-being in the adolescent and adult groups, but not in the children group.
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