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The purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of parents and effects of meaning of parents on satisfaction of relationships, happiness and adaptation in Korean college students. Forty questions about the meaning of parents were selected by a pre-study in 141 college students. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted in the main study in which participants were 327 college students. The results showed 4 factors in meanings of parents: factor 1 "the ones who they love and do not want to disappoint", factor 2 "the ones who recognize them as an adult", factor 3 "the ones who support them and can be respected", and factor 4 "the ones who they want to attach to and need to support". A stepwise regression analysis was conducted to explore the effects of meaning of parents on satisfaction of relationships, subjective well-being, psychological well-being, and depression. The results showed that the meaning of parents, especially factor 2 and 3 affected satisfaction of relationships, happiness, and adaptation positively. This study concluded that the meaning of parents have positive effects on satisfaction of relationships, happiness and adaptation. Intervention that enhance the meaning of parents will increase satisfaction of relationship, adaptation, and happiness in college students.
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