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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of anti-bullying attitudes in the relationships between perceived parental attitudes toward fighting and non-fighting, and bullying behaviors. For this research, the self-report data of 417 Korean children in 5th and 6th grade in elementary school was analyzed. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that parental support for fighting directly predicted anti-bullying attitudes and bullying behaviors. Although parental support for non-fighting predicted anti-bullying attitudes, it did not directly predict bullying behaviors. Anti-bullying attitudes partially mediated the relationship between parental attitudes toward fighting and bullying behaviors. Meanwhile, these attitudes fully mediated the relationship between parental attitudes toward non-fighting and bullying behaviors. The implications of these findings are discussed along with the suggestions for bullying prevention/intervention strategies in elementary school.
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