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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this short-term longitudinal study is to examine the effect of marital quality, maternal parenting efficacy, and paternal involvement on infant development. Participants of the study were 310 mothers who were raising infants in the Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area. The data were analyzed using the statistics programs SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. The maximum likelihood method was utilized for parameter estimation, and statistical significance was examined using the bootstrapping procedure. The results of the study are as follows. First, marital quality was found to affect 6-month infant development through maternal parenting efficacy. Second, the marital quality has a direct effect on 6-month and 12-month infant development. Third, the marital quality was found to affect 6-month infant development through paternal involvement. Fourth, 6-month infant development directly affected the 12-month infant development. The results of this study indicate that the marital relationship and parenting characteristics exert influence on infant development in the short term and over the persistence of early infant development. On the basis of these results, suggestions were provided for enhancing maternal parenting efficacy and paternal involvement in parenting.
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