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Exploring the effect of board-game based training on executive function and language processing abilities


Recently, training studies have increased to examine the effect of facilitating executive function(EF), which is known to be an important predictor of later development across various domains. The present study aimed to examine the effect of board-game based training on EF and whether it can also lead to the facilitation of language processing abilities among 4-5-year-olds who typically show sentence interpretation errors. By adopting the principles of the Flexible Item Selection Task (FIST), we developed a board-game that requires one-to-one interaction with an adult; we administered the program for 30 minutes per session for a total of 8 sessions. Comparing the training group with the waitlist control group, we observed significant improvement in working memory and an improvement trend in proactive control among children in the training group. The effect, which was observed on two cognitive factors, demonstrates that the current program is effective even when the type of tasks used during training and testing is not similar.

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