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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the effects of maternal parenting efficacy, autonomy support, and structure support behaviors on children’s theory of mind. Participants were 101 4-year-old children (55 boys, 46 girls) and their mothers. Maternal parenting efficacy was measured using K-EGSCP by maternal self-report and maternal autonomy and structure supports were observed and graded from mother-child interactions when creating a drawing with an Etch-a-Sketch. Children’s levels of theory of mind were measured by a series of false belief tasks provided by an experimenter. Maternal parenting efficacy was positively correlated with children’s theory of mind, and maternal autonomy and structure supports were significantly and positively associated with children’s theory of mind. Confirmatory factor analysis with these three variables showed that the relationship between maternal parenting efficacy and children’s theory of mind was completely mediated by a parenting latent variable including maternal autonomy and structure supports. These findings confirm social constructive perspectives of children’s theory of mind development and self-determination theory for maternal autonomy support and structure support; political implications and limitations of the current study are also discussed.
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