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The effect of temporal processing on the development of grammar in second and third grade students


We investigated whether temporal processing can explain language development in school-aged children. Specifically, we tested the relationship between language functions and Temporal or Spatial Working Memory (SWM or TWM) functions in 2nd and 3rd grade elementary school students. Participants performed SWM and TWM tasks, as well as standardized WM tests in Korean-Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV. The Language Scale for School-Aged Children (LSSC) was conducted to evaluate language functions. Third graders showed significantly higher abilities in SWM, TWM, and the grammar domain of language function. Further, regression analyses revealed that TWM can explain significant variances in language functions measured by LSSC in all participants, after ruling out the effects of age, SWM, and general WM functions. Notably, for the third grader, the grammar domain was significantly explained by temporal processing functions measured by TWM, even after controlling for the effects of SWM, age, and general WM functions. In sum, our study demonstrates a novel finding that temporal processing can play a significant role in language development, especially in the domain of grammar in school-aged children.

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