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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study aimed to examine an integrated model of college students' problematic drinking based on Life History Theory and the Acquired Preparation Model. We hypothesized that adverse parenting experiences in childhood would promote fast life strategies, which promote the development of impulsivity. Impulsivity would lead to the perception of the importance of drinking in college, which in turn predicts the increase in problematic drinking. In this study, 365 college students participated. We found that adverse parenting in childhood predicted college students’ problematic drinking. As hypothesized, this link was mediated by impulsivity and the perceived importance of drinking in college. We also tested whether this model would differ by gender. The result of the multiple group analysis showed that there was no gender difference in this mediation model. However, the relationship between adverse parenting experiences and impulsivity was stronger among males. Implications for alcohol related counseling for college students and the development of an alcohol abuse prevention program were discussed.
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