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Dimensions of learning amotivation in middle school: Effects of parental attitudes, teachers’ attitudes and previous academic achievement, mediated by perceived competence and autonomy


This study aimed to predict students’ learning amotivation with the following predictors: parental attitudes, teachers’ attitudes, and previous academic achievement. Learning amotivation had four dimensions: task characteristics, lack of task value, absence of belief in personal abilities, and absence of belief in personal effort. The data analysis incorporated the students’ perceived competence and perceived autonomy as mediating variables. To ascertain the associations within and between the variables, path analysis was applied to questionnaire data on 331 middle school students. The results found complex interrelationships: Previous academic achievement, perceived competence, and parental neglect predicted absence of belief in personal abilities; teachers’ attitudes, parental neglect, and perceived competence predicted lack of task value. Teachers’ attitudes, parental over-control, and perceived competence significantly influenced task characteristics. Previous academic achievement, parental neglect, perceived competence, perceived autonomy, and teachers’ attitudes predicted absence of belief in personal effort. Perceived competence and perceived autonomy differently mediated the effects of parental neglect and previous academic achievement on learning amotivation depending on its dimensions. In sum, the results confirmed that learning amotivation is a multidimensional construct.

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