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This study investigated maternal warmth and controlling behavior as mediators of the relationship of chronic maternal depression to child behavioral problems. The model included a measure of child negative emotionality to control for its effects on child adjustment and maternal factors. Using data from the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education(KICCE) Panel Study on Korean Children(PSKC), 2,150 mothers and their children(50% female) were analyzed. Mothers self-rated their extents of depression (child age zero to five years), positive parenting (age six years), and child externalizing and internalizing problems (age seven years). The results found that mother’s chronic depression predicted their children’s externalizing and internalizing behaviroal problems, which was mediated by maternal warmth, but not by controlling behavior. That is, longer-lasting depressive symptoms predicted child’s behavior in the transition to school age through less warm parenting. The findings elucidated a developmental pathway to child maladaptation during the early school ages which suggests a promising target for early prevention.
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