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Vol.4 No.1

A Study of the Emotional Development through Human Interactions Among Children and Adolescents and A Counseling Program for Such Development
Hyunsoon Shin(Ewha Womans University) pp.1-15

The study aims to present two major concerns:first, to review the literature in order to understand the human interaction factors related to the children's emotional development;and second, to present a counseling model for such development. It reviews three main theories related to children's emotional development through human interactions, mainly Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Erikson's 8 Ages of Man, and Baumrind's 3 Patterns of Parenting. These theories jointly emphasize the significant role of the parents in nurturing healthy emotional growth, realistic self-assessment and self-actualization among children. They further define the specific responsibilities of the parents in satisfying the basic needs of their children, without which their emotional growth will be jeopordized. Consequently, it was stated that the adolescent delinquency and the behavior problems among school children, in general, are the results of poor interactions between children and their parents and/or children and their 'significant others' in each stage of their emotional development. To ensure a healthy experience of human relationship among the children with behavior and/or school problems and the delinquent adolescents, the paper presents a counseling program to be used in schools or in Boys' Town. The program can be applied to various programs in dealing with children and adolescents who have been neglected by their parents, disenchanted by school and lost directions and meaning in their lives in general.

언어발달지체 아동을 위한 조기 치료교육 프로그램 개발연구

Relationship between Parenting Practices and Adolescents' Delinquency: Analysis on 34 Cases
Hyun-Jin Cho(Korean Institute for Research in the Behavioral Sciences) ; Sung-Soo Park(Seoul National University) pp.55-72

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between parenting practices reported by delinquents and adolescents' delinquency. In this study, parenting practices were delineated into four dimensions as monitoring, discipline, positive parenting, fostering of impasse managing and problem solving skills. The subjects were 34 juvenile delinquents who were detained at a correctional institution of adolescents delinquency. Counselors interviewed all the subjects. Analysis of content has been done by the researchers. The parenting practices reported by the juvenile delinquents are highly associated with the delinquency. Poor monitoring appears to be a critical element in the development of delinquency specially at the beginning stage of the delinquency. As the peers' influence and power increase, the influence of parental discipline dwindles. Positive parenting, fostering desired behaviors such as social, academic, work skills and normative values contributes to prevention of delinquency. The failure for the children and adolescents to acquire adequate problem-solving and impasse management skills appears to be associated with the development of delinquent behavior.

Factor Analyses of The Mid-Life Crisis Scale in The Korean Adults
Ae-Soon Kim(Yonsei University) ; Gene Yoon(Yonsei University) pp.73-87

Recently, the theories of adult development by Levinson, Gould and other life-span developmental psychologists have proposed the notion of mid-life crisis. However, the empirical measurement of this crisis scale has not been tried thoroughly. For the initial step to construct a mid-life crisis scale (5-point rating scale) in Korea, a questionnaire of 104 items was prepared. The respondents were 299 adults(108 males and 191 females) from Seoul metropolitan area, and mean age was 43 (SD=3.92; age range 35-51). For the identification of the hypothetical construct of Mid-life Crisis, the exploratory factor analysis was conducted. Through the principal factor analysis, Scree Test and Pararell analysis, nine factors were derived and they explained 66.8% of the common variance. Through orthoblique rotation procedure, 86 items with factor loadings .34 and above were selected. These nine factors were grouped into three second-order factors( Emotional crisis, Individuation, and Life field) by higher-order factor analysis. Through the reliability measurement and item analysis procedure, the ninth factor - Change of sex-role - was eliminated and 80 items which consist of the first eight factors were finally selected.

Pubertal Timing and Psychosocial Development
C.J. Lee(Songsim University) ; K.S. Oh(Yonsei University) ; O.B. Jung(Korea University) pp.89-102

This study examines the effect of pubertal timing on the psychosocial development. The subjects are composed of 2029 boys and girls in grade 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. Measures included adolescent reports of their pubertal status and self image(SIQYA). Individuals within one standard deviation, more than one standard deviation above and below the norm for pubertal status in this sample were classified as on time, early and late maturer. Findings indicate that early pubertal timing is related to better body image, mastery and coping and mood for boys, whereas for girls on time pubertal development is associated emotional cone, family relation and peer relation. But pubertal timing effects on boys and girls in each school grade are different. It is clear that these effects are specific rather than global.

Tae-lyon Kim(Ewha Womens University) pp.103-117

Entwicklung Von Problenlöse-und Frageverhalten
Hye On Kim(Mokpo National University) pp.119-131

Diese Arbeit befasst rich mit der Beziehung zwischen dem Frageverhalten und dem Problemlöseheuristik aufgefasst wird. Die Experimentelle Untersuchung basiert auf einen 2×2×2×2 faktoriellen Design. Unabhängige Variablen sind Kulturzugehörigkeit, Arbeitsgedächtniskapaxität und Vorgabe von Informationen. Abhängige Variablen sind Lösungsgüe und Frageverhalten in drei verschiedenen Aufgabenbereichen mit unterschiedlichen Wissensanforderungen-Textverarbeitungsaufgabe; Waagebalkenaufgabe; Turm von Hanoi. Festgestellt wurde, dasses ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Problemlösegüte und quantitativen und qualitativen Aspekten des frageverhaltens. Fragenstellen als eine allgemeine Problemlösestrategie wurde bzgl. Wissensanforderungen-deklaratives, prozedurales Wissen-Leistungeunterschiede wurde AG-Kapazität als Voraussetzung zur Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Fragenheuristik angesehen.

Young children's comprehension of TV's formal production features
Hyewon Park(University of Ulsan) pp.133-143

In this study comprehension of formal production features of two age group children was compared. 32 preschool(mean=4.4 yr) and 32 school-age(mean=7.4 yr) children watched parts of 6 programs(27 imn) in a small group under either free or test-instruction condition. Immediately after viewing, children were tested individually with short scenes from the programs. Comprehension level was analyzed as a mixed design with age(2), sex(2), order of program presentation(2 : 123456 vs. 456123) and instruction (2) as between-subjects variables and content area (4) as a within-subject variable. As results, the main effect of age (F(1, 48)=24.78, p<0.000) and three way interaction effect among age by order of presentation by instruction (F(1, 48)=7.27, p<.01) were found significant. In the within-subject variable analyses, the main effect of content area (F(3, 144)=37.98, p<.000) and two way interaction effect of contest area by age (F(3, 144)=3.23, p<.024) were also significant. Comprehension was high in the order of spatial relation (83.9%), connotative meaning (60.9%), temporal relation (58.3%) and special effect (37.5%). Two age group performed differently in all content areas except the temporal relation. In the detailed analyses, however, comprehension level was changed significantly depending format production features even in the same content area. Therefore it was suggested that appropriate formal features should be used in children's program.

The Relationship Between Antisocial Behavioral Tendency and Social Information Processing in Adolescents
Keum-Joo Kwak(Department of Psychology Yonsei University) ; Ha-Yeon Kim(Department of Psychology Yonsei University) ; Jin Yun(Department of Psychology Yonsei University) pp.145-156

The relationship between antisocial behavioral tendency and social information processing in adolescence was investigated. Male high school students(n=241, Normal Group) and juvenile delinquent boys in a detention center(n=125, Delinquent Group) were asked to respond to ambiguous situations and also to self-report questionnaire on antisocial behaviors. In Normal Group, three stages such as interpretation of ambiguous situation, response generation process, and expectation of outcome have significant correlation with antisocial behavioral tendency. Among them, response generation process is most important stage. On the other hand, in delinquent group, the correlations between the two stages(response generation process, expectation of outcome) and antisocial behavioral tendency are significant. And the thought that the outcomes of aggressive behaviors are positive is most important determinant of the antisocial behavioral tendency. Information processing on aggressive thinking has a positive correlation with antisocial behavioral tendency in adolescence.

The Effects of Subjective Age Identification On Psychological Well-being in Adulthood
Won-Kyung Kim(Yonsei University) ; Gene Yoon(Yonsei University) pp.157-168

The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of subjective age identification on psychological adjustment in adults and the elderly, an3 the relation between subjective age and life satisfaction. Three hundred sixty-six men and women were given a questionnaire which contained a life satisfaction scale measuring psychological adjustment. Background variables and subjective age identification were also examined for their effects on psychological adjustment as well as their relationships with each other. The results indicated that individuals of age 40 and over tended to show younger subjective age identities and the discrepancy between subjective age and chronological age increased with chronological age. Individuals with younger age identities reported higher life satisfaction than individuals with accurate or older age identity, suggesting that subjective age identity is an important predictor for psychological well-being in middle and old age. It was also found that gender, chronological age, educational level, socioeconomic and status, degree of social participation, and status of physical health were correlated with life satisfaction and subjective age identities.

Effect of Class Nouns, Collective Nouns and Complex Nouns on Class inclusion
Hae Lee Kim(Chung buk University) ; Hyun Jung Park(Chung buk University) pp.169-181

Three experiments were carried out to test whether 4-and 5-year-old children can solve the class inclusion problem, using class, collection and compound noun labels. In experiment 1, children's performance was better with collection and compound noun labels than with class labels, even though their correct response rates were lower them 30%. In experiment 2, the relation between parts and whole was explained more explicity. The facilitative effects of collection and compound noun were found in both ages. The correct response rates for collection and compound noun labels were higher than 80% in 5-year-old children, and lower than 50% in 4-year-old children. In experiment 3, 5-year-old children were taught about the hierarchical class inclusion relation using nonsense compound noun and single noun labels. There were more correct response when the compound noun labels were used than when the single noun labels were used. These results indicate that 5-year-old children can solve class inclusion problem and that compound noun and collection labels facilitate the children's understandings of the hierarchical class inclusion relations among categories.

The effects of preschooler's efficacy predictions on task choices and persistence of its performance
Jung-Hwan Hyun(Hiroshima University) pp.183-198

The purpose of this study to investigate the accuracy of preschooler's(4-year-olds ; N=54)efficacy predications by examining not only task outcome but also task performance(task choices and persistence of its performance) on a bowling game. Three points underlying the level of accurate efficacy predictions were examined. Those examined were the relation between preschooler's efficacy predictions and task outcome, the effects of task outcome on preschooler's efficacy predictions, and the effects of preschooler's efficacy predictions on task performance. Results indicated that preschooler's efficacy predictions were uncorrelated with task outcomes and most children overpredict their task outcome. Bot they made more realistic efficacy predictions by using information of task outcome. Efficacy of choiced task was significantly higher than it of non-choiced task. Performance of the former was more persistent than it of the latter, though midterm scores of both was equivalent Consequently, it can be proposed that preschooler's overpredictions rely more on motivation problems in their efficacy predictions than on cognitive problems. Preshooler's efficacy predictions are highly accurate predictors of subsequent behavioral performance.

A Study of interrelation between self-concept, conformity to peer group and delinquency
HaYeon Kim(Yonsei University) ; KyungJa Oh(Yonsei University) ; Gene Yoon(Yonsei University) pp.199-212

The present study attempted to investigate the role of peer group in juvenile delinquency. 356 boys in senior high school first or second grade (Normal Group) and 125 juvenile delinquent boys in the detention center (Delinquent Group) were given a self-report questionnaire on self-concept in four areas (academic ability, physical ability, relationship with parents and peers). They were also asked respond to hypothetical situations which depicted peers urging a boy to perform either delinquent or neutral behavior. The Normal Group were also given a questionnaire on the self- report frequency of 25 delinquent acts. In the Normal Group, poor academic self-concept and poor relationship with parents and positive self-concept with regard to relationship with peers were related to high conformity to delinquent behavior which was related to high frequency of delinquent acts. In the Delinquent Group, more positive self-concept with regard to relationship with peers and poor academic self-concept, poor relationship with parents were related to conformity to delinquent behavior. The relationship between self-concept and conformity to neutral behavior was significant in the Normal Group but not in the Delinquent Group. The Delinquent Group was higher in conformity to peer group than the Normal Group but the correlation between conformity to delinquent behavior and conformity to neutral behavior was significant only for the Normal Group. Various dimensions of self-concept appear to interact with one other to influence conformity to delinquent behavior; thus in evaluating the effect of self-concept on conformity, the possibility of interaction between dimensions needs to be considered. The result are discussed in terms of differences between normal group and delinquent group in the pattern of interrelationship among self-concept, conformity to peer group and delinquent behaviors.
