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Lay Judgment for Self-defense Claim: Effects of legal culture


Self-defense reflects the function of law in situation where the elements of a crime are satisfied, but the legality is denied. While the Criminal Procedure Law in South Korea and Japan aims at securing social order and guaranteeing individual rights, Amendments in the United State focus on ensuring individual rights and freedom. The couple of functions and purposes of the law would be differently influenced as the legal culture to the lay people's judgment of self-defense. 202 Korean, 64 Japanese and 190 American college students participated. As a result, the proportion of accepting self-defense by the Americans was significantly higher than the Koreans and Japanese, and there was no difference between Koreans and Japanese. It was suggested that legal culture exerts influence on the judgment of the self-defense.

법문화, 법기능, 정당방위, judgment of self-defense, legal culture, function of law



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