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메뉴This paper deals with a hypothesis that a recent trend on the part of Korean women to avoid marriage and child-bearing is due to the way how Korean women perceive women's role in Korean family. Many Korean women, as they are more educated, tend to reject many traditional women's stereotypic roles and try to participate in economic fields and other public sectors. Yet in family, the most private community, most women are expected and to fulfill stereotypic roles like house keeping and child rearing, and many women are limited only to these roles. Women's stereotypic roles to care other family members more than herself and to live relation-centered life affected women negatively in the way how women feel toward marriage, job performance and most of all self esteem. This network of women experiences enforce women to behave as they do in avoiding marriage and child-bearing. This paper concludes that there is an urgent need to loosen women's stereotypic roles and to empower women to live an autonomous life with human dignity.
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