The result of this study can be summarized as follows. Students in Korea have a higher level in knowledge and attitude about sex then students in U.S. while they are lower in sexual behavior. In the light of the knowledge of sex organs, both Korean and American students have a positive correlation with sexual consciousness, sexual urges and contraception. About the sexual health, Korean students show that they have a positive correlation with contraception. American students show a positive correlation with homosexuality, sexual urges and contraception, but they show a negative correlation with virginity. In the relation between sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual behavior, Korean students are positive correlation between sexual knowledge and sexual attitude, but they don't show any meaningful correlation between sexual knowledge and sexual behavior. On the other hand, American students show a positive correlation between sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual behavior. As a result, The higher the level of sexual knowledge is, the more homosexuality and masturbation are and the lower the virginity is.
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