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메뉴To find that how the sexual abuse has affected adulthood sexual behavior and how change the aspects in process of time, this study was intended to integrate interpretation of the quantitative and qualitative results. The quantitative study was administered to 20~50 aged 144 women, and were used ‘The sexual concept and sexual behavior questionnaire’ and ‘Self esteem scale’. The qualitative study was analized recording files of depth interview done to 5 women experienced several sexual abuse. In the result of this study, it was found that the victims of sexual abuse had little awareness of the situation was sexual abuse, and they become to know that the situations they sufferd were. Then, They interested and stydied in sex, and they conforms of their worries as sexual actions. The results increased percentage of sexual actions in sexual abused women before marriage. Victims that experienced several sexual abuse, have negative feelings of their sexual body-part, low insensibility of orgasm, more complain of sexual dysfunction, and it related to decreasing of sensibility about body awareness. Although women victims have low self-esteem, and they positioned and experienced in adverse condition repeatedly, they experiences stability, intimacy and sufficiency after sexual actions with love.
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