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메뉴This study was intended to suggest a conceptual model among the variables related to work-family conflict by extending the findings on Frone et. al. (1992)'s cross domain model using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and multi-sample analysis. Various antecedents and consequences of work-family conflict were investigated. Time based conflict and strain based conflict were used to measure antecedents and job burnout and job satisfaction were used to measure consequences. The main results were as follows. First, regarding the mediating role of WIF and FIW in its relationship between antecedents and consequences, only WIF has shown a significant effect. This finding was contrary to Frone et. al. (1992)'s result, which suggested that workers in South Korea were more oriented to their work than those who in western conturies. Second, regarding the moderating role of gender differences in its relationship among the variables, gender differences have shown a moderating role between the variables, family stressor to FIW, family stressor to family satisfaction, WIF to family satisfaction, respectively. This finding suggested that male workers were more likely to experience the spillover effect from work to family than female workers. Finally, the implications and limitations were discussed.
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