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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Exploration of the Structure of Teamwork Competency and Development of the Teamwork Competency Scale among College Students


The purpose of the present study was to (1) investigate the structure of teamwork competency, (2) develop a teamwork competency scale to appraise the competency level of college students, and (3) examine gender differences in terms of the structure as well as the level of teamwork competency. The list of 104 behavioral descriptions extracted through FGI and literature review was administered to a sample of 415 college students in order to evaluate the importance of each behavior for teamwork competency as well as their own level of each competency behavior. 89 behavioral descriptions were found important for teamwork among college students. The results of exploratory factor analysis indicated that the competency model of teamwork consists of 13 factors(consideration or caring, emotional intelligence, effective communication, creativity, feedback, cooperativeness, mediation, responsibility, activeness, information sharing, fairness, ability of data analysis, sociability), and this structure was confirmed by the confirmatory factor analysis. The college students with more experiences were higher in their level of 13 competencies than those with less experiences, supporting the construct validity of the teamwork competency scale. The results of factor analysis performed on each gender group indicated that there was no gender differences on the factor structure. However, the results of latent means analysis demonstrated that male students showed higher level of competencies than female students on 7 factors(creativity, activeness, sociability, responsibility, consideration, mediation, feedback). Finally, the limitations and future direction of the present study sere discussed.

teamwork competency, measurement scale, gender difference, teamwork competency, measurement scale, gender difference, 팀웍 역량, 구성요인, 진단도구, 성별차이



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology