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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a multi-dimensional group program using video feedbacks for the reduction of public speaking anxiety on the presentation anxiety, self-efficacy and presentation behaviors among the third grade female students in a commercial high school. Among the students who had high scores in a presentation anxiety test, 30 students who wanted to participate in this study were selected and assigned randomly into two groups. The subjects of experimental group participated in the 8 session intervention program once or twice a week. It took 60 ~ 90 minutes for each session. Pre-test and post-test scores of experimental group and control group were compared using two-way ANOVA. The results revealed that the experimental group showed lower presentation anxiety, higher self-efficacy, and more appropriate presentation behaviors than the control group after participating in the program. The meanings of his study were as follows. It was replicated some results of previous studies that the multi-dimensional intervention including video feedback, cognitive techniques, relaxation and coping strategies was useful for the reduction of public speaking anxiety through the controled study using random assignment and several measures including rating scales by others as well as self-reports. Finally, Some limitations of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.
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