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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relationships between Stress, Perceived Marital Support, and Marital Satisfaction: Testing Actor and Partner Effects of Stress and Perceived Marital Support


This study examined the possible mediating effects of perceived marital support on the relation between stress and marital satisfaction, also investigating the actor and partner effects of stress and perceived marital support on marital satisfaction. A convenience sample of 187 married couples was employed. First, structural equation analyses revealed that for both wives and husbands, stress had negative actor and partner effects on perceived marital support and marital satisfaction. Second, results revealed that for both wives and husbands, perceived marital support had positive actor and partner effects on marital support. In addition, when a mediation model was considered, the link between stress and marital satisfaction was partially mediated by perceived marital support for both wives and husbands. Interestingly, it was found that for husbands the actor effects of stress and perceived marital support were greater than their partner effects, whereas for wives the partner effects were greater than the actor effects. Implications for counseling practice are discussed.

stress, perceived marital support, marital satisfaction, actor effect, partner effect, 스트레스, 결혼만족, 지각된 배우자지지, 자기-상대방 상호의존 모형



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology