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메뉴In this study, the effect of the gender-related organizational factors on organizational output was investigated. The present research conducted 1029 workers consisting of 826 employees and 203 central government officials or local officials about the effects of personally experienced discrimination in the workplace, such as gender equality organizational culture, gender equality work practices, information accessibility, job clarity and sexual harassment experience es on job satisfaction and turnover intention. And the effect of gender-related organizational factors such as introduction of family-friendly policies on job satisfaction and turnover intention is also examined. And, the effect of these factors on the work-family conflict(WIF) and family-work conflict(FIW) was conducted and the moderating effects of family-friendly policies is prominent at effect of work-family conflict on organizational output. In sum, the present research suggest that accessibility information, gender equality work practices and family-friendly policies have improved organizational output. And for women, the more work practices is gender equality, the less work-family conflict(WIF) and family-work conflict(FIW) are. However, the relationship between organizational culture and gender equality organizational culture is opposite. Futhermore, for women, the moderating effects of family-friendly policies is prominent at prediction of organizational output by family-work conflict(FIW). In contrast, for men, the moderating effects of family-friendly policies is prominent at prediction of organizational output by work-family conflict(WIF). This research introduced that a family-friendly policies to improve the organizational output is meaningful. The last, the significance and limitations of this study and future research are discussed.
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