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메뉴The present study was conducted to examine the effect of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control in explaining multicultural receptive behavior intention as well as multicultural receptive behavior, i.e., test the theory of planned behavior(Ajzen, 1991), to investigate the role of Korean social identity in the prediction of multicultural receptive behavior, and to investigate the role of stereotype and prejudice(i.e. attitude about object) in the prediction of multicultural receptive behavior. A sample of 505 undergraduate participated in the survey. The results from stepwise regression analyses indicated that the multicultural receptive intention was explained 47.4% by the theory of planned behavior, while multicultural receptive behavior was explained 61.1% by this theory. When the Korean social identity, stereotype and prejudice were added into the stepwise regression analysis, the variance was increased to 51.8% for multicultural receptive intention and 65.9% for multicultural receptive behavior. Furthermore, the influence of the Korean social identity on multicultural receptive intention/behavior was weak, but the influence of the stereotype on multicultural receptive behavior was strong. Finally the implications and limitations of the present study as well as the future directions of this area were discussed.
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