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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relation between Career Aspiration and Career Future: The Gender Differences Moderating role of Self-Concept Clarity


Although career aspiration(CA) was not accurate reflection of subsequent career behavior, it was studied as a result variable in most of studies in the past. In this regard, the present study was performed to clarify the functioning process of CA as antecedents of adaptive career behavior. Researchers assumed career future(CF) as an adaptive career behavior, and hypothesized that CA are related to CF, and self-concept clarity(SCC) plays a role in this relationship on male but not on female participants. As expected, high level of SCC performed a significant role between high level of CA and high level of CF for males. For females, however, effect of SCC did not influence the relation between level of CA and CF. Those results imply that there are gender difference on development of CA, and different interventions by genders considering career compromising process are needed to strengthen the relation between CA and CF.

career aspiration, career future, self-concept clarity, gender difference, career aspiration, career future, self-concept clarity, gender difference, 진로포부, 진로미래, 자기개념 명확성, 성차



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology