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메뉴This study attempted to fill a gap in the extent literature regarding risk factors for maternal psychological control. A sample of 497 mothers of preschoolers participated in the study. Maternal reports of adult attachment, state anxiety, depression and psychological control were analysed using the SPSS 17. 0 and AMOS 17.0. Results from the structural equation modeling indicated that mother's insecure adult attachment is an important determinant of maternal psychological control. Attachment anxiety significantly influenced maternal psychological control both in terms of verbal and emotional control. The pathway of influence between attachment anxiety and maternal psychological control was also mediated by maternal depression and anxiety as well as maternal sense of competence. Second, attachment avoidance was a significant predictor of maternal emotional and verbal control with maternal depression, anxiety, and sense of competence as significant mediators. There also was a significant gender difference with mothers of boys showing greater increase in depression and anxiety as the level of attachment avoidance increased. On the other hand, the influence of attachment anxiety on depression and anxiety was greater for mothers of girls compared to mothers of boys. While maternal depression and anxiety as well as maternal sense of competence were also significant predictors of maternal psychological control, they seem to take different pathways in exerting their influence.
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