The purpose of this study is to reveal the effects of cultural competence of international marriage migrant women in their acculturation levels in order to find the basis for the provision of a service that will develop and re-enforce their cultural competence. In this study, the levels of socio-cultural adaptation, psychological adaptation (marital satisfaction and satisfaction with life), and cultural competence(cultural knowledge, cultural skill, cultural attitude, and cultural awareness) were examined in 153 women from Geongsangbuk-do Province (P City and D City) and Gyeongsangnam-do Province (B city). The results were used as a basis to examine the effects of cultural competence in acculturation levels. The level of socio-cultural adaptation was normal, while marital satisfaction was little bit satisfactory, and satisfaction with life was slightly dissatisfactory in the psychological adaptation category. In the cultural competence category, cultural attitude levels rated the highest, followed by cultural skill, cultural awareness, and cultural knowledge. Amongst these, the satisfaction with cultural attitude was the highest, while cultural knowledge was considered the most essential and the most necessary. cultural competence has statistically significant effects on socio-cultural adaptation, marital satisfaction, satisfaction with life, and acculturation levels. In inspecting the relationship amongst cultural competence subcategories, cultural knowledge influenced socio-cultural adaptation, cultural attitude influenced satisfaction with life, and cultural knowledge along with cultural attitude influenced acculturation. This study is important in that it views international marriage migrant women as the main subject of acculturation, explores their acculturation levels and cultural competence in a multi-dimensional manner, and draws research findings on the effects of cultural competence on acculturation.
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