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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Gender Differences in Spatial Ability and Using Strategies for Solving Spatial Problems


The purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in spatial ability and in the types of strategies used in solving spatial tasks. To accomplish this, a measure was constructed which included a spatial ability test with five different problem types: picture completion, embedded pieces, 3-D mental rotation, 2-D mental rotation, and form development. Each item was followed by a question that asked subjects to select which among the following five strategies they employed: holistic, analytic, combined, intuitional, and other. A total of 1063 participants consisting of undergraduate and graduate students completed the test. Results showed men performed better in one out of five of the problem types. Gender differences were also found in the use of strategies for each problem category: In 2-D and form development types, women used more holistic strategies than men. In picture completion tasks, women relied more heavily on an analytic strategy. In 3-D mental rotation, women used more holistic approach than men, and men used the intuitional strategy more frequently than women. The gender differences found in the use of strategies for solving different problems provides important clues for identifying causes of the gender differences described in previous research in the studies of spatial ability. In addition, we found that certain strategies were more frequently used in certain types of problems. These findings suggest new possibilities for strategy training intended to enhance spatial ability in educational settings.

spatial ability, strategy use, types of spatial problem, gender differences, 공간능력, 문제풀이 방략사용, 공간과제유형, 성차, spatial ability, strategy use, types of spatial problem, gender differences



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology