This purpose of this study was to develop the vocational cards for female university students and to verify the effectiveness of the newly developed cards in terms of the enhancement of their career identity and career decision making. The first half of this study described the processes of developing a new set of vocational cards, such as organizing counseling committee, establishing the standards for vocation selection, analysing selected vocations, reviewing the appropriateness of the number of cards, determining design, and exemplifying how to utilize the cards in the field. The latter half of this study tried to explore the effectiveness of the newly developed vocational cards by applying the cards to 105 female university students and conducting questionnaire to the subjects. This study developed 119 occupational cards with the specific purpose of assisting female college students who are preparing for a career by helping them to find their vocational interest and aptitude, and search and decide their career or occupation by themselves. And, the analyses on the questionnaires showed that female college students were overall satisfied with vocational card sorting activity as well as the developed cards themselves. Feedbacks from the counselors who guided the vocational card sorting activities were positive. Lastly, the limitations of this study and the suggestions for the further research were also discussed.
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