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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Browse Articles

Vol.16 No.3

When Woman Drink: What to Drink in What Context is?

The purpose of this study is to analyze a women drinking culture, not as problematic approach but as normal culture approach. Participants of this study were 800(man:495, women:305) adult people who have experience of drinking more than once in the last month. The main results were as follows. First, women who preferred beer, and were mainly drink with friends and family situation. Women drinking frequency were usually less than 1 time per week. Women alcohol consumption amount at a time was little more than half a bottle(converted into soju-Korean traditional distilled liquer). Second, the age of most women in their 20s drinking alcohol properties, are decreased and 30s tended to be rising again in 40. Third, the reason for the selection of beer is flavor, while the main factor why the choice of soju mainly acted as an economic factor. And the main image of the beer ‘youth’, ‘fashionable / stylish’, whereas the ‘original / legitimacy’, ‘economic’ image was strong on soju. Selecting the type of alcohol, women is exposing their ‘semiotic meaning’. Fourth, ‘friends/seniror and junior’ context in alcohol consumption is different in gender: women's context is similar to the context of ‘family’, whereas man's context of ‘colleagues’ were similar to those of the context. Finally the implications and limitations of the study were discussed.

The Effects of Internet Use Motivation and Stress Coping on Adolescent's Pathological Internet Use: focused on gender difference

The purpose of this study was to investigate influences of internet use motivation and stress coping on adolescent's pathological internet use. 228 middle school and 203 high school students were participated and completed a set of questionaries. Data were analyzed with t-test, multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: First, Community and on-line games frequently appeared in pathological internet use risk group. On-line game is strongest in boys and community and information-search is strongest in girls. Second, the results showed that internet use motivation and stress coping has differences between boys and girls. Boys have a higher sensation seeking motivation, mastery motivation, sexual motivation than girls. And Girs have a higher interaction motivation, information motivation, expression motivation than boys. In both boys and girls, avoidant coping was highest among the stress copings. Third, stepwise multiple regression analysis showed 4 variables(sexual motivation, mastery motivation, avoidant motivation, avoidant coping) explained 51.4% variance of pathological internet use in boys. In girls, 5 variables(sensation seeking motivation, interaction motivation, mastery motivation, avoidant motivation, avoidant coping) explained 47.5% variance of pathological internet use. Finally, implications and limitations of this study and suggestion for future studies were discussed.

Effects of Childhood Interpersonal Trauma Exposure on Impaired Self-Capacities in College Women: The Mediating Role of Internalized Shame

The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating role of internalized shame between childhood interpersonal trauma history and impaired self capacities among Korean female undergraduates. The results of this study are as follows. First, there were significant correlations between childhood complex trauma, internalized shame and impaired self-capacities. Childhood complex trauma was positively related to internalized shame and impaired self-capacities, and internalized shame was positively related to impaired self-capacities. Second, internalized shame fully mediated the relationship between childhood interpersonal trauma and impaired self-capacities. The present findings confirmed that interpersonal traumas, in the form of childhood psychological abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse and physical neglect were associated with adult internalized shame and impaired self-capacities. Finally, the current findings suggest that impaired self-capacities may be reduced through psychotherapy that successfully address issues of internalized shame.

A Study on the Career Decision-making Process of Female Undergraduates who Want the Male-dominated Job: A Grounded Theory Based Approach

In Korea, recent women's educational standard is more higher than any other period but rate of using human resources is the lowest level among the OECD nations. As the reason of this phenomenon, the career choice attract attention. Traditionally, job is classified female-dominated job from male-dominated job, and most women still avoid male-dominated job. If this unequal concentrated phenomenon is relieved, diversity using of human resource will be available. For the purpose, this study try to determine the experience structure and the career decision-making process of the female undergraduate who want the male-dominated job through the qualitative study method, and to determine factors that work negative or positive on the process to use for the career consult. Grounded theory based data analyses resulted in 61 concepts, 27 sub-categories, and 12 categories from the recorded data of 8 female undergraduates who want the male-dominated job. The core category was “For the special life, keeping challenging with the will”. A paradigm model consist of the casual condition, central phenomenon, contextual condition, intervening condition, actions/reactions and the result was proposed. And the participants went through five stages with time in their career decision-making process: the stage of awareness about the trait and aspiration, the stage of internal determination, the stage of support and accept, the stage of challenge and overcome, and the stage of affirmation and confidence. Implications of the findings and suggestions for the future research are discussed.

Parental Emotional Bond and Adult Attachment: The Mediating Role of Ego-Resiliency and Psychological Separation

This study investigated the mediating role of ego-resiliency and psychological separation from parents in the relationship between parental emotional bond and insecure adult attachment. Differences between marital status and presence of children on key variables were also analysed. The results, based on survey responses from 278 women in their late 20's and 30's indicated a significant mediating effect of ego-resiliency and psychological independence from parental ties in the relationship between the emotional bond with both father and mother and insecure adult attachment. The findings have implications for counseling practice with female clients in their early adulthood, who report difficulties in intimate relationships with their romantic partners and have a history of problematic parent-child relationship. Interventions intending to improve self-confidence, efficiency of personal relations, optimism and anger management skills as well as maintain psychological distance from conflicts with parents may be effective strategies to implement. Additional findings indicated that married women in the study had a lower level of insecure adult attachment, particularly, anxious attachment, compared to single women. Married women with children had a higher level of attachment avoidance compared to women without children. Whether marital status helps with decreasing attachment anxiety or whether having children contributes to increasing uneasiness about expressing intimacy or dependency on their husbands needs to be explored. Suggestions for future studies include if marriage and child-rearing affect the activation and mentalization of attachment related cognition and emotions among women.

Differences of body image and factors influencing body image through the life span of women

This study examined differences of body image and factors influencing body image through the life span of women. Participants were 472 women recruited in Seoul, Kyunggi, Chungnam, Kyungpook, and Kyungsang provinces. In the results of differences of body image according to the life span, body surveillance was the highest for the 21-29 age group in comparison to other age groups, body dissatisfaction was the lowest for the 51-59 age group, and there was a significant difference between 21-29 and 51-59 age group in body esteem of health conditions. Moreover, in the results of interaction effects between psychosocial variables and age on body image, the interaction effect of social comparison and age on body surveillance, self-esteem and age on body dissatisfaction and cultural self-construal and age on body esteem were significant. These suggest that body image is likely to become positive through the life span of women, and that the degree of relation between psychosocial variables and body image changed according to the life span.

Gender Differences on Predicting Variables of Runaway Experiences among Adolescents

The present study was to explore gender difference on predicting variables on runaway experience among adolescents. Total 3,430 middle school students in Gyungnam area completed ABAS-S, the scale consisted of eight problem behaviors and ten critical items of adolescents. The results of a stepwise regression analyses showed that there were also differences according to gender. First in male adolescents the significant predicting variables influence on runaway experience showed 10 variables(R2=.51). In that, the biggest influence on runaway experience was status delinquency, followed by playing truant, pregnancy, abortion, teacher relations problem, criminal delinquency, sexual violence, prostitution, bulling bullies experience, drop out of school. In female adolescents the significant predicting variables influence on runaway experience showed 13 variables(R2=.52). In that, the biggest influence on runaway experience was status delinquency, followed by playing truant, violence/abuse victims experience, abortion, teacher relations problem, bulling victims experience, prostitution, criminal delinquency, bulling bullies experience, learning prolems, parent relations problem, grade, pregnancy. In discussion were discussed meaning, implications and limitations of this study.

Mediating Effects of the Functions of Parent's Social Networks between Parent's Socioeconomic Status and Parent Involvement: Comparison of Single-mother and Two-parent Families
Hae Jin Shin(Seoul National University) ; In Young Han(Ewha Womans University) pp.401-422 https://doi.org/10.18205/kpa.2011.16.3.008

The present study investigated the mediating effects of parents' social networks on the relationship between parents' socioeconomic status and parent involvement. Parent involvement in the current study was composed of home-based and school-based involvement. Home-based involvement includes providing learning environment at home, guiding child's study habits, and providing educational and financial support. School-based involvement includes supporting child's school-related activities, participating at parent meetings and volunteering, and home-school communication. The subjects were 132 single mothers and 164 mothers from two-parent families, whose children are fifth and sixth graders in Seoul and Incheon. Structural Equational Modeling was used for the analysis by adopting SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The results showed that single mothers and mothers from two-parent families differ in their structural models. For mothers from two-parent families, socioeconomic status was directly related to home-based and school-based involvement. In contrast, single mother's socioeconomic status only influenced home-based and school-based involvement indirectly through the functional aspects of mother's social networks. The results suggest that parent counseling and parent education programs might be more effective if they encouraged single mothers to exchange resources through their social networks in order to promote parent involvement in elementary schools.

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology