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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

Understanding the Experience of Women Who Were Sexually Violated : A Phenomenological Approach


In modern society, sexual violence is increasing social problem to a dangerous level and the offenders and victims are getting younger. Sexual violence is the most critical event or problem through victim`s life. We can meet the victims as a client and have to care them. Therefore, it is important to understand the experience and effect of sexual violence for the victim as a client This study was attempted to understand the experience of client who had sexual violence in childhood and its effect to present life, and ultimately to provide basic data for the practice and the body of knowledge for sexually abused children and women. To investigate the experience of women who were sexually violated, the phenomenological approach was used. The result of this research are as follows: Firstly, women who were sexually violated in childhood have blame their mother for not protecting them. Secondly, sexually violated subjects in childhood regard themselves "worthless woman" as they are not virginally chaste anymore. On the other hand, in case of family offender, the victim protect the offender with family relation and affection, and keep secret. Thirdly, some still have compensated mind or revengeful thought against the offenders and have biased view of male. Fourthly, subjects reveal depression, taciturnity and shyness, and even the tendency of autism. Fifthly, subjects felt the sense of dirty. Last, the victim`s experience of sexual violence drive the victims to protect themselves only be sex itself and sometimes feel guilty for their being violented. The results above revealed that the sexual violence in childhood make women have negative and passive attitude to male or powerful being, and to have negative self esteem and to regard themselves not virginally chaste anymore. Consequently, sexually violented women give up initiative life in their lives. In conclusion, the nurses who care the victim of sexual violence have to understand victim`s experience and its lifelong effect and to apply their knowledge about victims to clinical practice.


The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology