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메뉴Recently, the cases of male college students’ violent sexual comments about female classmates in their private group-texting have been increasing in Korea. The present research explored people’s attitudes toward such cases from an interdisciplinary perspective. In study 1, using a text-mining method, we analyzed users’ comments to online news articles of the recent incidents of college students’ sexual comments in group-texting. Co-word networks analysis identified co-occurring word groups of ’college,’ ’sexual comments in social-networking context,’ and ’misogyny.’ Topic-modeling analysis also revealed major topics of the comments, for example, ’education,’ ’social problems,’ ’degradation of women,’ and ’sexual expressions.’ In Study 2, we explored people’s attitudes towards scenarios of violent sexual comments and whistle blowing in three different contexts—in a group-texting, an offline private conversation, and a direct sexual harassment contexts (as a between-subject design). Participants in the group-texting condition and the direct condition showed higher sympathy to the victim and higher willingness to blow the whistle than did those in the private condition, suggesting that they perceived the group-texting context as public to some degree. However, regarding the reputation of ingroup, participants in the group-texting and in the private conversation conditions rated the whistle blowing as more damaging to the reputation of ingroup than did those in the direct condition. The relations between participants’ attitudes toward the scenarios and two measures of individual differences (ambivalent sexism, a fairness–loyalty tradeoff) were also discussed.
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