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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of sexual narcissism on sexual aggression and to examine the mediating effects of rape myths. A total of 460 Korean men and women in their 20s completed online questionnaire. The major findings are as follows. First, among the subtypes of sexual narcissism, sexual exploitation and sexual skills were higher in males and sexual entitlement was higher in females. Rape myths was higher in men and sexual aggression did not differ between men and women. Second, both men and women showed a positive correlation between sexual narcissism and rape myths. Higher sexual narcissism tended to correlate with higher sexual aggression except for sexual skills in males and for sexual entitlement and sexual skills in females. In addition, both men and women showed higher sexual aggression as they accepted the rape myths. Third, the mediating effect of rape myths was significant only in males in the relationship between sexual narcissism and sexual aggression. For women, only sexual exploitation, a subtypes of sexual narcissism, directly affected sexual aggression. This study suggests that cognitive processes such as rape myths play an important role in men, while narcissistic personality traits are more critical in women. Implications of this study are further discussed.
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