The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of personality characteristics within couples on mutual comprehension, relationship satisfaction, and commitment. Participants were 58 dating couples. Each subject responded to the IPIP(extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness/ intelligence), sex-role(masculinity, femininity, gender eglitarianism scale), and relationship measures(mutual comprehension, relationship satisfaction, relationship commitment). First, we examined the relationships between personality and similarity and relationship measures. It turned out that couples' extraversion and agreeableness were correlated with mutual comprehension, and couples' gender eglitarianism index were correlated with relationship satisfaction. We did further analyses on personality factors that appeared to influence mutual comprehension, relationship satisfaction, and relationship commitment. The results were as follows: in case of men, agreeableness and masculinity played significant roles in mutual comprehension and relationship satisfaction. In case of women, extraversion was crucial to mutual comprehension and the neuroticism of partner was also important to relationship satisfaction and commitment.
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