Using open-ended questionnaires, this study was conducted to explore social representations and gender stereotypes held by Koreans on adolescents. Participants were 123 adults, 49 teachers and 93 college undergraduates. According to the results, adolescence was characterized in personality by a transitive period from childhood to adulthood. Nonetheless, there were aspects unique to adolescence with respect to personality, individual tasks and social relationships. Adolescents worthy of the name were defined mainly by extroversion and agreeableness of personality, with relation to physical, task-, and relational aspects. Happiness for adolescents was determined mainly by interpersonal relationships, physical health and socio-economical status. Desirable adolescents were very similar to those worthy of the name. There were no great differences in these results among the three types of judges and also, gender stereotype was not salient and instead, similarities between man and woman adolescents were striking. These findings were discussed in terms of features of Korean culture and gender stereotype.
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