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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

The credit market of Russia: the assessment of condition, the development of tendency

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2017, v.5 no.2, pp.12-37
Elena Nikolaevna Vyborova (economic sciences, professor Russia, Kazan, Tatarstan)


The analysis of results of the market of loans granted to legal entities, the physical persons are provided in the work. The assessment of condition of industry segments of the market of the credits of legal entities is carried. The results of assessment of the market of the credits of physical persons by types of the granted loans are provided. The correlation and regression analysis on the industry segments of crediting of legal entities is carried out. The dynamics of development of debt on the industry segments of crediting is determined. The results show that: Hypothesis 1. The amount of the issued credits to the legal entities steadily in-creases on all industries of economy. Communication between the industry segments of market very high. Hypothesis 2. Crediting of physical persons is characterized by relative stability. The structure of overdue debt repeats the structure of the issued credits to the physical persons.

the analysis of credit market, the credit market, the segments of the credit market, crediting of legal entities, crediting of physical persons, the industry segments of market, the types of loan.



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics