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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

Comparative Analysis of Consumer‘s Impulse Buying Behavior with Different Household Incomes: Empirical Evidence from Faisalabad

East Asian Journal of Business Economics / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2017, v.5 no.2, pp.38-47
Sana Mehmood (University of Agriculture Faisalabad)
Kashif Hamid (Professor)


In today's highly unpredictable marketing environment, where the consumer demands and behaviors are continuously and rapidly changing therefore various factors of consumer impulse buying behavior are proving to be challenging for the existing and new business organizations. Shopping has become a relaxing and rejoicing activity for the consumers making impulsive buying as a socially acceptable and common practice. So by taking into account all these aspects, the objective of this study was to understand the factors affecting impulse buying behavior of the consumer. Store atmosphere and fashion involvement were selected as independent variables while consumer impulse buying behavior was taken as dependent variable for this study. Likewise, impulse buying behavior of consumers with different monthly household income was also analyzed in this study. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire from 250 respondents of district Faisalabad, and then it was analyzed by using various statistical techniques. The results indicated a significant positive impact of store atmosphere and fashion involvement on consumer impulse buying behavior. The study also revealed that among consumer groups with different household incomes; at least one group differed from others in impulse buying behavior. These results were consistent with previous literature. These results could provide information to the marketers and retailers for planning and execution of various marketing techniques. Moreover, educators could expand on the findings by developing new studies examining consumer impulse buying behavior.

Impulse Buying Behaviour, Store Atmosphere, Fashion Involvement.



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East Asian Journal of Business Economics