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  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI

The Payment Balance for the Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Creation and the Analysis on Materials of Russia and Great Britain

The Payment Balance for the Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Creation and the Analysis on Materials of Russia and Great Britain

동아시아경상학회지 / East Asian Journal of Business Economics, (E)2288-2766
2018, v.6 no.2, pp.28-48
Elena Nikolaevna Vyborova (economic sciences, professor Russia, Kazan, Tatarstan)


Purpose – This study is to analyze the assessment of forming of a payment balance of the country and its condition. Data array were used the data on the Russian Federation from the 1995-2016, across Great Britain – since the 2004-2014 and in the retrospective aspect since the 1946. Research design, data, and methodology – The payment balance is a ratio of payment amounts made this country abroad and the receipts received by it from abroad for a certain period; it is the systematic list of all economic transactions performed for a certain period of time between the residents of one country and the nonresidents. The scale of research on Russia: to be analyzed the amount of data from the 1995 by 2016. On Great Britain - the 2004-2014, on South Korea - the 2017. Results – Hypothesis 1. The detailed and simple systematization of balance sheet items increases the efficiency of analytical procedures and the mechanism of public administration. Hypothesis 2. The main of balance sheet items are deficit of Russian Federation scarce which, are generally counterbalanced with gold and foreign exchange reserves. Conclusions – Considering the items of balance of payments of the studied countries in the context with other countries, it can be noted that the dynamics of the main items are closely linked with the main macroeconomic indicators and reflects the main tendency of the state development. The main items of balance sheet of South Korea's are intensive. The relatively stable dynamics in the macroeconomic indicators is observed in Japan and China

the payment balance, the analysis, the comparative analysis, regulation by payment balance, the articles of payment balance



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