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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • E-ISSN2288-2766
  • KCI
김주희(Tecnológico de Monterrey) pp.1-9 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2019.7.2.1


Purpose – This study aims to examine whether key differences in characteristics of unions have significant implications for absenteeism. The previous studies on the union impact on absenteeism have found that union increases absenteeism when workers perceive the effectiveness of union protection against managerial disciplinary measures against absenteeism. However, they were not able to uncover what characteristics of unionism affect worker’s decision to be absent. To uncover what characteristics of union made workers make decisions to be absent, this study used such key dimensions of unionism as democracy, cooperative strategy of a union, and d density rate. Research design, data, and methodology – The research model of this study is that absenteeism has positive relations with union's democracy and density. But it has negative relations with union cooperative strategy. This study was conducted by survey method on 333 local unionized business entities of metal industry in South Korea. Usable responses turned out to be 133 with 40 %of response rate. Absence rate as a dependent variable was measured into five scales. The data was collected through multi-survey methods. Data analysis methods was ordered probit regressions. Result –The result shows that significant and positive relationship between unions with high density rates, democracy and absenteeism which is in line with the argument of the previous studies. Different from the expectation, the hypotheses 2, it has been shown that there is positive relation between cooperative strategy of union and the decision of workers to be absent. Conclusion – Employers with unions with high density rates could not fully exercise disciplinary power against those workers absent at workplace since a strong union shields them effectively from punishments by employers. Democratic unions encourage members to be involved in union activities to make voice of them within a union structure and members can build strong cohesiveness within a union and be more closely engaged in each other. Another factor that may be causing higher absence rates is pay level and this result indicates that workers with high wage level would not want to dismiss from highly paid company. The study finding implies that to reduce absenteeism at workplace, employers should take strategic approaches toward unions.

임인종(전자부품연구원) ; 이춘수(부경대학교) ; 이정환(명지대학교) pp.11-20 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2019.7.2.11


Purpose – This study propose the following 4 methods to establish Global HRD system focusing on transferable skill which is attracting attention as future science and technology Manpower. Research design and methodology –This study was conducted by using research methods and expert interviews focused on document analysis. Results – 4 Things are reflecting the policies of S&T Manpower and securing execution capability, developing competence-based transferable skill model, enhancing science and technology convergence R&D and performance capability, and developing customized HRD program. Conclusions – Transferable skills will contribute to strengthen the national competitiveness of science and technology in the long term by establishing the foundation of technological innovation that can create new industries and secure future growth power in the 4th industrial revolution era

정동빈(강릉원주대학교) pp.21-30 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2019.7.2.21


Purpose - In this work, we categorize the 21 shopping items which foreign tourists purchase in South Korea and monitor the level of dissimilarity (or similarity) between each item by utilizing distance matrix, and both hierarchical and k-means cluster analyses, respectively, based on the eight purpose of visit attributes (Leisure & Vacation, Health & Treatment, Religion & Pilgrimage, Shopping, Visit, Business, Education, ETS) in 2017. In addition, multidimensional scaling (MDS) method may come by visual display for mining appearance of proximities among twenty one shopping items based on eight attributes of purpose of visit. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is carried out in 2017 by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and conduct a face-to-face survey of foreign tourists from 20 countries who purchase shopping items in South Korea. CLUSTER, PROXIMITIES and ALSCAL modules in IBM SPSS 23.0 are used to perform this work. Results - We ascertain that twenty one shopping items can be classified into five similar groups (clusters) which have homogeneous traits by going through two-step cluster analysis. We can position homogeneous places of cluster and twenty one shopping items joining each cluster. Conclusions - We can relatively assess patterns and characteristics of each shopping item, come by useful information in activating shopping tour based on the actual state of recognition of foreign tourists and practically apply to each tourism industry on underlying results.

Umunnakwe Clifford(대전대학교) ; 김규배(대전대학교) pp.31-41 https://doi.org/10.20498/eajbe.2019.7.2.31


Purpose – This paper examines the major antecedents of customer loyalty for mobile operators in a developing country in Africa especially in Nigeria. This study tests 5 hypotheses about the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, trust, and customer loyalty. Research design and methodology – In order to collect the sample data, online survey was conducted via email and social media network. The samples were collected from 415 random respondents. The statistical analyses were done for both assessing the reliability and the validity and testing 5 hypotheses of this study. SPSS version 21 was used for empirical analysis. Results – Service quality has a significant effect on customer satisfaction and service quality has a significant effect on trust also. Customer satisfaction has a significant effect on trust and customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty also. Trust has a significant effect on customer loyalty. All of 5 hypotheses were supported. Conclusions – The results of the study show that it is important for marketing managers to manage service quality, customer satisfaction, and trust for improving customer loyalty in mobile service industry. This study also provides some implications for mobile service managers about the importance of customer retention and customer loyalty.
