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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of the present study is to inquire the development of sex-role identity. The study will have its significance for providing a foundation of sex-role education todays. The subjects of the study were 598 students consisted of 202 middle school students, 200 high school students and 196 college students. Sex-role identity was measured repeatedly for 145 college students at the interval of one year. The conclusions of the study are as follows; First, developmental pattern of sex-role identity is different by gender. In the case of male students, middle school students are characterized by undifferentiated type of sex-role identity. However, high school students are represented by masculine type while college students androgynous type. In the case of female students, undifferentiated type is dominant among middle school students while feminine type is dominant among high school and college students. Second, the repeated measure of the sex-role identity shows that a significant change appears in sex-role identity among college students during 1 year. Approximately 43% of the college students have changed their sex-role identity in a period of one year. The undifferentiated and androgynous types show a higher proportion of change than the masculine and feminine types. A future study is expected to answer toward the question of why such changes occur among college students in one year
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