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ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study investigated development of coordinated joint attention and explored characteristics of mother's behavior that may be related to its development. For these ends, 78 infants were longitudinally observed in their interaction with their mothers at 9, 12, 15 and 18 months of age. Observations were coded using state-based coding system (Adamson et al, 1998) that included states of unengagement, person engagement, object engagement, on-looking and supported joint attention as well as coordinated joint attention. In addition, infants' and mother's pointing behaviors were observed in order to investigate its relation to the development of coordinated joint attention. The results of this study provide evidence for the two main conclusions. First, the amount of coordinated joint attention and supported joint attention increased, while other states declined or did not change with age. Second, development of coordinated joint attention was closely related to supported joint attention and mother's pointing behavior. These results suggest that mothers indeed are skilled adults who can scaffold their infant's early attempt to coordinate their attention in a social context.
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