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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purposes of this study were to develop an instrument for burnout about child counselor and to evaluate the validity of the instrument. We interviewed 30 child counselors and referred to the antecedent studies to develop the instrument which was composed of 70 questions. The survey consisting of 70 questions was performed for 191 child counselors. Thirty-two questions were excluded by the result of contents validation and factor analysis. Remaining 38 questions were categorized into 5 sub-variables. They were named as emotional exhaustions, doubt about job, Negative attitude to counseling, negative personal relationship, and Symptoms of somatization, respectively. The significance level(Cronbach's α & spilt-half reliability) of sub-variables and total score was high. The correlation between total score and sub-values was significant. This study showed that the instrument developed was valid and provided a basis for further studies in burnout about child counselor.
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