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ISSN : 1229-0718
Jaswal and Hansen(2006) found that 3- to 4-year-olds relied on mutual exclusivity bias to infer the meaning of a novel word even when some pragmatic cues conflicted with mutual exclusivity. The current research examined how Korean children interpret a novel word in the similar situations as the pragmatic cues varied in the extent to which the cues explicitly convey communicative intentions. Explicit pragmatic cues(pointing gestures) and relatively ambiguous cues(eye gaze) were used. In Experiments 1 and 2, the speaker pointed to familiar object when making a request of the referent of a novel word. Results indicated that 4-year-olds chose familiar and novel objects about equally often whereas 3-year-old children chose familiar object more often than expected by chance. Thus, Korean children were less likely to follow mutual exclusivity when speaker provided explicit pragmatic cue. In Experiment 3, the speaker looked at a familiar object when making a request of a novel word's referent. The results showed that 3-year-old children were more likely to follow mutual exclusivity than eye gaze.
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